Classroom Jobs & Activities

To prepare you to enter the unionized construction industry, as a participant in the apprenticeship readiness program, jobs will be assigned daily. The assignments provide a opportunity to obtain experience working in teams, taking on leadership roles, and understanding some of the workflow on construction sites. Assignments will be provided by the administrative staff/instructor the day or week before your session starts. All personnel assigned to a job is expected to start ½ hour before class begins:

Foreperson 👩‍🏫

  • Assists the instructor in setting up groups and distributing reference materials. •Informs participants of break/lunch times and monitors they are back from break/lunch. Reminds classmates about homework and groupwork submissions •Acts as a “second pair” of eyes for all jobs.

Safety Worker 🦺

  • Monitors the class to ensure that everyone is in compliance with the appropriate uniform. Staying safe *exercise, demonstrations or any potential hazards •Jeans-no rips, frays •Plain white T-shirt •Belt •Boots: tied to the top: no tags •ID Card •No Jewelry •Ensures that participants are not doing anything to harm themselves while in sessions.

Coffee Runner : ☕

  • Takes the coffee order with note pad and pen/pencil. Needs to know what the order is ? Coffee, tea, bagel, water, juice, tea, muffin. Where is the worker located? What floor? What room?  •How much money is provided? •How much do you give back? •Tip (did you receive a tip) how much total? 

Maintenance Worker

  • Ensures that everyone cleans their desk and throws away garbage in designated and appropriate locations. • Checks lunchroom and bathroom facilities. Vacuums classroom and outside hallway area leading to lobby.

Quote of the Day 📝

  • Provides a motivational quote or saying for the day •Pertaining to the training, industry, or life skills


  • Reports the weather forecast for the week throughout the five boroughs.
  • Includes high and low temperatures.

Exercises and Stretches

  • Many parts of a construction job require physical labor that can be demanding and take a toll on your body over time. While there are tools and protective equipment in place to minimize risk at a construction site, stretching is quick, easy, and just as important to prevent bodily injury. The link below provides basic activities that everyone will be participating in throughout next few weeks of program.


Breakout Group Roles

Researcher 🖥

  • (2)•Navigates the websites, obtains reference/information for the group

Presenter 🔊

  • Relays the information compiled from the group work to the general classroom •Coordinates with team to ensure information is accurate.

Notetaker 📝

  • Takes note and collects the information from group •Writes the information/edits the information on the webpage (data entry)